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English version of Peru trip report

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I visited Peru in august-september 2008.Very interesting country, a lot of sightseengs, nice nature.

First of all thanks to Cat for his Guide to Lima.Excellent review!I`ll found nothing without it!
Well, about mongering.It seems that peruvian girls aren`t beautifil - indeans from coast, mountains, jungle are not nice at all, but metizes (half-indeans, half-white) are prettier and metizes from Amazonia (charapas) are really attractive, they are like latina type.
Most of my activity was in Lima. There are 2 possibilities to have sex in Lima - like tourist or like native, not rich, peruvian.

Tourist sex.
The most part of tourists live in Miraflores - it`s right desidion - it`s safe district with good infrastructure - restaraunts, shops etc.I lived in hotel
www.hotel-marialuisa.com - it is really girlfriendly.
But sex in Miraflores is very expensive.
2 main places to meet girls - Tequila Rogk http://www.tequilarock.org/
and Canadian cafe (4th building right from enter in Pizza Alley).I was only in Tequila Rock - the choice is good - about 40 young nice girls for aproximately 20 men, but it is not Kenya, where 1:5,1:10 ratio of  2mzungu" and  girls is normal.To enter cost 20 s. , but I entered free by coupon from advertising bucklet.The prices are too hjgh - 200-300s.\ST(70-100$). It`s more expensive, than in Moscow (I live there), but Moscow is one of most expensive cities in the world.
Better prices are in the street - near enter in Pizza Alley or near park Kennedy - 80-100s./ST(25-35$), but the gils neither young,neither pretty there. Action in the street begins about midnight, earlier you can see nobody.Also there is no girls on av.Arequipa close to Miraflores - nobody at any time.

"Native" sex.
The best is to go to "chongo" - whorehouse.I visited La "Cucaкdas" & next door "Nena".They work from 10a.m. - It`s big plus for me - I like daytime activity and JI go to sleep rather early.At the day time there are few (but enough)
girls - 4-5 in "Nena", 5-7 in "Cucardas". The girls are young and rather nice, may be little worse those in Tequila Rock.
But the price is great - you pay for enter 5s/20s-Nena/Cucardas and for girl 35s/40s-Nena/Cucardas, so
15-20$.Better go there by taxi - adress  av.Ricardo Treneman 875, corner of Cuadra 9 Av. Colonial
at Av. Argentina.
it`s industrial zone, not the place to relax.
There are many chongos in Lima, famous "Trocadero", for example, but I visited (and like only these 2).
Street action, -  I think there are many places, but I found
one on the av. 26 Julio, after intersection with Paseo de la Republica, from bus terminal "Flores" to bus terminal "Leon de Huanuco", along Manco Capac square at day time you can find some whores. They are old, about 30-40 yo, ugly, but pretty cheap - 20-25 s./ST + hostal nearby 5-10s.So you can get sex for 8-10$.

Ofcourse, I knew about such places like banos turcos, clubs, escort sites - but I didn`t tried them.

One note about peruvian province - Arequipa.
There are nobody on north end av.San-Francisco, may be I was early - about 8p.m.But just near my hotel "La Posada Parque", intersection av.Peru and av. Dean Valdiva, there was excelent point - young girls for 15 s. 3$ only!

1,2 photos from Nena
3,4 photos from the street



Thanks for your report. A quick note; as you note, Miraflores is the touristy area, an expensive area, it should come as no surprise that the girls are priced accordingly.



Thankyou  for your good report.I liked Maria Luisa hotel & stayed in a junior suite-good value & as you say very GFE!I may try Tequila Rock next visit(not sure when) but I know the chicas are expensive for Peru but there is the convenience factor of being walking distance to hotel.I enjoyed La Nene & found one or two chicas quite acceptable for a bargain price.Facilities were rough but I"ve been in a lot of worse places!Do they still have that weird system of paying a man 2 soles for each 30 min slot for a bucket of cold water?I also would try Las Cucardas next door if I have time & energy.My Spanish has also improved since my first visit & I know how important this is if you want to monger on a budget & get a better rapport with the chicas.Thanks again for all the recent info.



Thanks for your report. A quick note; as you note, Miraflores is the touristy area, an expensive area, it should come as no surprise that the girls are priced accordingly.


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